My Best Advice to My Children
Before my dad died, I asked him for his best advice. He looked off into the distance, thought for a moment, then replied, “don’t drink too much.” Considering the problems with alcoholism in our world and within our family, that was good advice.
Here’s my best advice to my children: “don’t drink too much - study the words of Jesus and put them into practice”
Knowledge vs Living in Loving
Above all, we should be doers of the word, not religious zealots. Isn’t that what the pharisees were? They knew the scriptures very well but missed the main messages of the Old Testament. They did not even recognize the promised messiah who was right in front of them. How could that be?
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Christianity is not meant to be an orthodox group of leaders that evaluate everyone’s hearts and determines whether they’re ready for their end of life and if they are following a set of rules. That’s religion. That is not the task that Jesus commanded his disciples to complete. That’s an unrealistic, heavy burden to carry. We are not to judge.
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As disciples of Christ, we are instructed to “go and make disciples.” We are not instructed to “win the lost for Christ” and herd them into social clubs. Making a disciple is more than having someone recite a prayer and get them fire insurance. Christianity is casting a broader net.
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Conversion, salvation, redemption begins with hearing which leads to understanding, questioning, believing, and then life change which is founded on loving each other.
Our Purpose in Life
What is our purpose in living? Many have tried to summarize life with simple mottos. Some mottos are good and some are silly or wrong.
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Maybe we shouldn’t summarize our call to follow Jesus Christ with simple mottos. Maybe we should internalize every word Christ said, word for word, and let that permeate our being.
I’ve compiled the commands of Jesus Christ from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The last thing Jesus said on earth was, “Go, make disciples, and teach them all my commands.” Since it was the last recorded word, it is likely the most important command He wanted to give.
Two obvious follow-up questions we must ask are:
- How do you make disciples?
- What are the recorded commands of Jesus.
We only need to go back and read the Gospels to find out.
Making Disciples
How do we make disciples? What are disciples? There are disciples in all religions. That’s how faith groups grow and continue to exist. Making a disciple is not unique to Christianity. Other religions make disciples. Let’s not over complicate the task. Webster’s definition of a disciple is:
One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
In order to do this, we must meet people, see them, have them see us, and open our mouths about the good news of Jesus Christ who is seeking and saving the lost. We can’t live in a cave. We need to be out in society.
What were the teachings of Jesus Christ? What did he command? What did he specifically say? His words are recorded. The evidence doesn’t support a conclusion that it’s our responsibility or ability to win the lost by having them reciting a prayer. That’s oversimplifying the task. Individually, many people play a minor role in leading someone to Christ; however, it is Jesus that seeks and saves the lost. He draws all to him.
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We must not think we are responsible to go beyond what God has called us to do. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. We are called as his servants to point people to Jesus Christ, the savior, mostly by example, but also by opening up our mouths using words which is our duty.
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The Commands of Christ
Searching for the teachings and commands of Christ is easy, but they are often muddied by human philosophy. We can’t teach the commands of Christ, if we don’t know them. The commands of Jesus have time and time again exceeded and surpassed whatever humans have dreamed up.
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There are a lot of good human rules, but we better not teach human invented laws as if they are Jesus’s commands. Unfortunately, “Christian” religions have done this over and over throughout history. Men have added volumes of manmade rules to various Christian religions and end up going beyond the simple word for word commands of Jesus Christ. We must not do that. We should not over complicate the commands of Christ.
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What he did is different than what was recorded. Jesus’s commands are searchable. They can be numbered. They are recorded. They can be learned. They can be followed. There is not that many. We don’t need to expand them into volumes of law books.
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The Yoke & The Burden
The commands of Christ can be placed into two categories. We are called to do two things.
- We are called to take on His yoke, and
- We are called to carry a burden.
Understanding what these two things mean is critically important to correctly walk in a way that is pleasing to God.
Looking at Jesus‘ specific words of instruction in the four gospels, we’re called (or chosen) to follow him, by walking in his ways, turning from evil, and doing good.
The Yoke - We are called to repent (or turn) from certain cares of the world - that is the yoke - walking in a certain direction can seem to be “not fun” or restricted by the world’s standard, but it turns out to be the opposite; the yoke is freeing and easy. Abstaining from alcohol is a simple example.
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The Burden - We are called to encourage others, to help those in need, and to be ready to give an account for the hope within us - that is the burden. A burden for others. When we truly help someone, we lift their burden and feel lifted in return. The burden is light.
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Living above our Circumstances
The red letters of the Bible persuade us to enjoy life and be free of anxiety. Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden is light. Life is difficult and there will come a last day for each and every one of us. We either die and meet our maker or Jesus returns.
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We are to be a living witness to what Jesus has done in our life and let God and people work out their own salvation. It’s not our job to convict others of sin. That is not a command of Jesus. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is our calling to share the Good News (gospel) to anyone we find and is willing to hear. Jesus came so that we could have life.
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Giving Good Advice Requires Living it First
Advice 1:
“Don’t drink too much” is specific advice. Whether a person takes that advice and follows that advice is up to the person. My dad lead a life not controlled by alcohol. That was his walk (his example); an example to me and to others to see the benefits of that walk. It was inspiring to see him stand out in a crowd and go the opposite direction.
Advice 2:
“Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. Believe in him and you will be saved” is specific advice. It is simple and clear. Whether a person takes that advice and follows that advice is up to the person.
Both are heard. Both are verbally communicated. Both can be visibly communicated through example. However; both are ultimately accepted or rejected by the individual.
How do we make a disciple? How do we encourage others to embrace and assist in spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ? Through replication; by example.
If we are commanded to make known the teachings of Jesus Christ, we need to know the teachings of Jesus Christ. We need to embrace them ourselves and encourage others to do the same by example and by word.
There is a finite number of recorded words of Christ. They are all found in the red letters of the Bible. We don’t need to study and study other books to know what Jesus commanded. Actually, too much has been written on the Christian life. Let’s study the source document more.
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Once we know the commands of Jesus, we need to put them into practice. We need to internalize them, live them, do life, and get some mileage behind us.
Our greatest task is to share the teachings and commands of Christ by word and deed, by what we say and do. Faith comes by hearing. We have to open our mouths. We need to see the opportunities around us. We need to purposefully listen, watch, and be ready to respond to others in need. Christ talked about building his church.
One way we can make disciples is to simply invite people to a church that preaches the teachings and commands of Jesus Christ. Preaching is focused on life change while teaching is focused on transfer of knowledge. We are after life change.
We can start with meeting physical needs. The world is rough. Everyone has a need. It could be as simple as listening to a person who wants to be heard. Then be ready if they ask for the reason for the hope we have inside of us.
Christians are called to act in a certain way. That is the yoke, and the yoke is easy.
Christians are called to have a desire to help others and share the good news of salvation to those around them. That is the burden, but the burden is light.
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At the end of life when we leave all behind what else really matters?
So, drink in the words of Christ, but don’t stop there. Put them into action. Live them out in your life.
Scripture References
38 Commands in Book of Matthew
13 Commands in Book of Mark
13 Commands in Book of Luke
12 Commands in Book of John
Go to Words of Jesus
What is essential Christian faith?
What is the simple gospel?
Do we choose life and death?
If I could go back in time.
My 1st best advice to my children – Study the words of Christ
My 2nd best advice to my children – Seek answers to your questions
My 3rd best advice to my children – Start seeing people