What is the Gospel
Good News
You Decide

The gospel message is so simple that a child can understand it.

Theologians need to STOP making it crazy confusing and quit twisting the message.  A lost soul is easy to understand. We all were lost.

  1. All people are born separated from God. People are basically lost and alone. We feel that feeling prior to conversion.
  2. All people were made for close fellowship with others and God. The bible teaches us that we are like an empty clay vessel, or an empty temple.  We feel this prior to conversion; having a sense that there is more to life. We try to fill life with something.
  3. All people are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God.
    1. People are able to love and be loved.
    2. People are able to think, reason, and make decisions.
    3. ALL people are special, unique, loved, and desired by God.
  4. People inevitably place something other than God on the throne of their life; therefore, an individual is fully responsible for their own condition at the end of life.

The LOVE of God is complete and sufficient.

Earthly good fathers know what it’s like to love their own child. A good father will lay down his life, if needed, for his child. God speaks to us like we speak to small child.  God the Father tells us:

  1. You are precious.
  2. I love you more than you know.
  3. I made you perfect just the way you are.
  4. I make no mistakes.
  5. You’re not a mistake.
  6. You’re my greatest creation don’t let anybody tell you differently.
  7. I want to have a relationship with you.

God doesn’t want to spend eternity with a self-centered brat, whose focus in life is comfort and pleasure for themselves and does not care for others.  So, there is a problem.  Humans need to be redeemed; they need to be made better.



God doesn’t care what someone did in the past. No sin is unforgivable except one. The unforgivable sin is to reject the FREE GIFT.  God can change any heart to be blameless and worthy to spend eternity in his presence.

All a person has to do is

  1. believe in Jesus Christ;
  2. believe that Christ died for the sins of the world,
  3. believe that Christ rose from the dead
  4. believe that Christ is at the right hand of the Father.

God calls all to this FAITH.  It’s a free gift when that happens. The Holy Spirit enters the human soul making a new creation.  It happens at a moment in time; a spiritual birth, at an hour where God makes an eternal being able to share in His life.  The eternal life is His life.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the LIFE.

This is the narrow path that God has graciously sovereignly willed to be the means of creating the family of God.

It has nothing to do with TULIP.

What is essential Christian faith? https://abbottforensic.com/faith/

What is the simple gospel? https://abbottforensic.com/gospel/

Do we choose life and death? https://abbottforensic.com/choose/

If I could go back in time. https://abbottforensic.com/time/

My 1st best advice to my children – Study the words of Christ https://abbottforensic.com/words/

My 2nd best advice to my children – Seek answers to your questions https://abbottforensic.com/seek/

My 3rd best advice to my children – Start seeing people https://abbottforensic.com/start/