Those that have not Heard the Gospel
What about those that die without ever hearing the gospel? What happens to them? It is the 2nd most important question we can ask ourselves. The most important question we can ask ourselves is, “What happens to me after I die?”
In order to answer these questions, we first need to understand life. What is life? There are two kinds of life. There is physical life and spiritual life. Both come from God.
Physical Life
There is a moment in time when a seed sprouts forth a shoot. That is plant life.
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Physical Mammal Life
There is a moment in history when a sperm and an egg unite, and a new life form is started within the female having its own DNA. Flesh starts to form and grow immediately after the sperm and egg unite. The growth is sustained with blood in a way that is organized and predetermined according to the kind of sperm and egg that are united. Birds produce birds. Dogs produce dogs. People produce people. All having physical life.
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Physical Death
There are 2 time periods of when a being is not living:
- There is no life before conception. Before my conception in 1966 I did not exist. The womb was empty. There was no physical flesh inside the womb. Nothing exists inside the womb other than the mother. Nothing could be found. There was no conception. There was no meeting of sperm and egg. There was no flesh inside the womb other than the mother.
- Physical Death is experienced by a person who once had life but no longer possesses it. A dead body is a person that once possessed life, but is not breathing, blood is not flowing, flesh is not responsive, decay is the prominent process at work in the flesh.
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Spiritual Life
Most would agree with the idea of physical life. The belief in spiritual life is widespread throughout the world. The following is an explanation of the Christian view of spiritual life.
There is a moment in a person’s life when the Spirit of God comes into a human soul. According to scripture, this happens the moment someone is “saved” by God. The Bible refers to this moment in time as a “born again” experience.
There are two types of people: those who have the Spirit of God (the saved) and those that do not have the Spirit of God (the lost). The word “saved” is a good descriptive word that implies rescued from something. It also implies a person reaching out to another in need. God is the one who saves. People are the ones that are in a position needing to be rescued. Rescued from what? Rescued from death. We are surrounded by death. So far there is a 100% probability that you and those around you will die a physical death like all those that came before us. Physical death is inescapable. The answer is to obtain spiritual life that lives on beyond this world. Many have guessed what that life will be or how to obtain it. We should not guess.
There is ample scriptural evidence that supports the belief that once a person possesses spiritual life (Eternal Life) the human soul can never die.
There is ample scriptural evidence that humans only have the opportunity to obtain spiritual life while they are physically alive. Once the physical body is dead, and if there is no spiritual life, there is nothing to live on.
The most critical question a person can ask is, “How does a person obtain Eternal Life?” Scripture supports the thought that there is only one way, and it is available to ALL.
Eternal Life and spiritual life are slightly different. God is the Eternal Life. Jesus said he was the way, the truth, and the Life. Spiritual life is the condition of a human that has experienced a transformation. The transformation of being saved involves the uniting of a human soul with the Spirt of God. A person becomes a new creation. The old life has passed and a new life has been created.
The rest of this web page attempts to prove the existence of a path to Eternal Life. However, this is impossible to prove because the path is BY FAITH. By definition, faith is believing in things not seen; therefore, it cannot be proven.
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Seeking the Answer
The correct answer to any spiritual question can only be found by upholding a correct biblical understanding of:
- The character of God
- The facts about humans
- The historical interactions between God and people in the past.
God has chosen some things to be revealed and some things not to be revealed. Some things we just don’t know and weren’t meant to know. Salvation is one of those things God wants all to know. The Gospel (the Good News) is simple to understand. Jesus said let the children come to me for such is the kingdom of God. The Gospel can be understood by children. There are plenty of examples throughout history of old guys confusing the path and making it difficult to see by adding rules and complicated theologies that go far beyond what has been revealed. Let’s stick to what was revealed in scripture and keep it simple. If we find ourselves off the path, we need to look at what we are listening to or reading? If we want to know what God has wanted us to know, it can be found in creation, in the Word of God (the bible), and evident in our life.
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Character of God – We can Know Him
We cannot fully understand the infinite God with our finite mind, but God does reveal some things about Himself in scripture. The following are simple sentences with profound depth. Each can be studied independently to better understand God, but we cannot fully understand God. But still, we can know Him as He has reviled Himself. To say God is simple is an extreme misguided falsehood.
- God is sovereign.
- God is the creator of everything.
- God is the author of all science, math, chemistry, physics, biology, astrophysics, phycology, music, art, law, nature, energy, life.
- God is good.
- God is loving.
- God is just.
- God is the ultimate judge.
- God is holy.
- God makes the rules.
- God makes no mistakes.
- God wants to have a love relationship with human beings.
- God chooses who can come into his presence.
- God chooses who can stay in His presence.
- God can’t be blamed for people not making it to heaven.
- God desires all to saving faith.
- God desires that none shall perish, but that all come to Eternal Life.
- God is the source of Life.
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Biblical Facts about Humans
There are many things we have discovered about human life. Scripture tells us the following:
- Humans don’t make up the rules about heaven or God. Many have tried.
- Humans are mortal.
- Physical life is a gift from God.
- Physical life is obviously not chosen. Babies do not choose to be born.
- Spiritual life (by grace through faith) is a gift from God.
- Spiritual life is found by hearing and responding with the free will to accept or reject the Gift of God.
- Humans can’t boast about what they did to achieve eternal life in heaven.
- No one obtains eternal life based on their own efforts.
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God Desires Fellowship
According to scripture, God is planning a party in heaven and He only wants to be around those that love and obey him and are as pure as He is pure. Of course, there is no human being that can come blameless before God except one; that is Jesus Christ. However, Enoch and Elijah were taken, and David was said to be a man after God’s own Heart. The Old Testament has stories of humans who’s “hearts were fully committed to the Lord all their life.” So right off the bat, humans have sought God throughout History. In fact, if not guided, humans will search out some form of a manufactured god to worship. Society after society throughout history and throughout the entire world have developed some sort of worship whether it be the sun god, moon good, fire god, or any other god of the human imagination.
The problem we need to stay away from is creating a god. We need to earnestly seek to understand God.
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Sin is Separation
Humans have two problems that prevent us from having a close fellowship with God.
- Original (inherited) sin
- Personal sin
Sin doesn’t cause separation. Sin is separation. Original sin is inherited separation through birth. We are all born with a human soul and a physical body. Humans are not eternal spirits. The soul is made up of the mind, the will, and emotions. We are mortal, and God is Spirit. There is a separation because we are human and God is not.
Personal sins are specific actions or thoughts that are void or opposed to God. Disobedience, greed, idolatry, lying, pride, or hatred are all personal sins.
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The Wedding Banquet
In the parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22), the King sent His servants to those that had been invited to the banquet. Those people were predestined to come to the banquet. The servants went out and called them to the banquet. The people rejected the call. They did not come. That’s their fault. It is not God’s fault.
After their rejection, the King sent His servants to anyone they could find. People heard the call and some came. Others rejected this call. Again, that’s their fault.
The story continues with people at the banquet. They heard the call, said yes, put on wedding clothing, and walked to the banquet.
The next thing that happens in the story is the King enters the gathering. At that moment (judgement day) God chooses who can stay in his presence. Being able to remain in God’s presence is determined by His rule, and that rule is to have wedding clothes on.
Someone was there without wedding clothes. The one without wedding clothes was promptly removed from the King’s presence.
Only those with wedding clothes can stay; only those who are washed, pure, and blameless. Only those who heard, then accepted the free gift of redemption, got ready, and then walked in the direction of the banquet can stay. Final redemption is more than just forgiveness of sins.
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The Order of Salvation (Redemption)
Several things are required to happen in order to come into the presence of God.
It starts with someone making a choice. Most agreed that God chooses. Most agreed that people choose. But how can both choose without a contradiction? It is the timing of when choices are made that make things fit together. Calvinism mixes up the order of the necessary steps of salvation.
Calvinism places God’s choosing at the wrong location of the process. Calvinism teaches that the human being is spiritually dead and unable to take even the smallest of steps toward God.
Humans are more than spiritually dead. Humans are spiritually unborn. The Bible talks about salvation as a second birth, a born again experience.
Salvation, as presented in the Bible, is the solution to do away with sin; to do away with both original separation and personal separation. Salvation has the end effect of bringing humans into a loving fellowship with God the creator.
Being “born again” is also the only way to have a spiritual relationship with a spirit being. The Bible teaches that God is spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Salvation is a spiritual birth. The person becomes a new creation.
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Original Sin
Original separation (original sin) is not personally the fault of the individual. Can we blame someone for being born human? No, that is foolish.
Original sin is simply a state of being that is separate from God. We are born as physical beings that are separate from a Spiritual Being (God). It is not a big deal to focus on and unnecessarily over exaggerate. It does not mean you’re bad, terrible, and no good. God made you, and you are good. God even said it was “very good” after creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day of creation, and there was no indwelling Holy spirit within them.
Original sin is separation that everyone has from birth. That doesn’t mean it is not a major problem. It is a huge problem. It needs to be dealt with.
The Good News is God has provided a way to handle original sin!
We are born separated from God. We are born with a physical life, not a spiritual life. God is a spirit. How can the Spirit of God come and dwell inside a sinful spiritually dead being? He cannot and He does not indwell fallen humanity. God never indwelt a human prior to Pentecost. Pentecost came far later after the Apostles professed to believe that Jesus was the Christ. Christ had to leave earth so that the Holy Spirt could come.
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Personal Sins
Personal sins are thoughts and actions that a person does over a lifetime that are separate and opposed to God. Babies cannot commit personal sins. They don’t know better. When a person reaches a level of accountability, their personal sins becomes more apparent.
Personal sins are committed before conversion and committed after conversion. Why? Because we are still human.
The Good News is God has provided a way to handle personal sin!
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Jesus Conquered Sin
There was nothing that humanity could do to solve the sin problem. Humans are and have been separated from God due to both original sin and personal sin throughout all of History.
Good News is God has provided a way to deal with both!
- Sin (separation) is the problem.
- Jesus Christ is the key.
- Responding in Faith is the means.
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God’s Choosing
The story of the banquet dinner shows the King (God the Father) coming into the banquet when the people were gathered. God is sovereign. Salvation is realized according to God’s rules. God’s rule is as follows: a person can only remain in His presence if they are blameless (without sin) and are born of the spirit.
If God selects people from the start, and people are totally depraved, dead, and not able to make a good decision on their own, then logically, those not selected would have no chance at heaven. Every reasonable thinker would cry, “foul, unfair, unfair”
But God is fair and just in all his ways, so something is wrong with this mindset that God chooses before any human response.
By convincing themselves that people are desperately wicked and totally evil, and unable to make any positive step toward God, Calvinists are able to not cry foul on God because it would be a just action to send wicked beings to a wicked end. Therefore, Calvinists dial up the depravity of man to a 10. But this doesn’t agree with all of scripture either because
- We are made in the image of God
- There are plenty of examples in the Old Testament of people doing “good” things.
- There are plenty of examples of people seeking God prior to salvation. The Holy Spirit had not been sent prior to the cross of Christ.
- People throughout history have sought God. Scripture even states that God rewards those that earnestly seek Him. David was a man after God’s heart as were many others in the Old Testament.
- Babies are precious. Instinctively, we know they are special and loved by God. They are not hated. There is no scripture verse that states God hates humanity. It is actually the opposite. Scripture states that God loves people.
There is a choosing that God does ahead of anything. God has prepared the banquet hall. That was a choice. God ordained the means of salvation at the beginning of time. That was a choice. This is the predestination that the bible talks about. The way was predetermined. Individuals were not predetermined. The sacrifice was predetermined. Jesus was chosen before the foundations of the earth. It was predetermined that for those choosing to have faith in Christ, they would be predestined to a sanctifying and glorified life.
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Judging God vs Understand God
We should never think we are in a place to judge God; however, we need to be careful not to misrepresent God as revealed in scripture. Attributing evil to God is bad. Calling good evil and evil good is bad. It is blasphemy to attribute an evil action to the work of God. That is what the Pharisees did. They said Jesus was healing the sick by means of the devil. So, it is necessary to search for answers to these questions:
- Is an action, that we are attribute to God, good?
- Are we correctly understanding God as revealed in scripture?
We do not determine good, but we can know and find out what is good by studying God’s word. There are plenty of principles and statues in the bible about what is means to do good.
The question being asked is, “what about those that never hear the Gospel?
Or this question can be rephased as, “Is it good to create beings that are wicked (sinful) and have no ability to respond to a call and then torment them forever?”
It doesn’t sound good. It sounds monstrous. Are we looking at this correctly?
The doctrine of unconditional election places a zero level of responsibly on the servants in the story to bring the message to the lost other than simply being obedient. A servant can call people without any feeling of responsibility to a lost person because they believe it is God who chooses those that will be saved (unconditional election). Some are chosen and some are not. If a person has no say in their salvation, then surely, we can’t aid in the process of the salvation of another person. Some would teach that regeneration (salvation) is all of God’s doing. Any of our doing would be boasting, and we cannot have boasting. Is this right?
The other aspects of Calvinism (limited atonement and irresistible grace) must be true if salvation is 100% initiated and brought about by God. Logically, if God chooses, then salvation is limited to only the chosen. If God chooses, man must accept irresistibly like a dog having the choice to eat chicken or leave it. Given the choice to eat chicken or not eat chicken, a dog will irresistibly choose chicken every time. We are not dogs. We have reason and free will to choose.
The logical path of God choosing those that will be saved at the being of the process of salvation leads to a conversation about Roman’s 11:33. How unsearchable are his ways.
But we should not settle for a “we can’t know” answer. We should keep searching for an understanding on how salvation works:
- without a conflict in logic
- without misrepresenting the character of God
- without violating scripture
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The Simple Gospel Message
God is complex, and the gospel is simple. If a child cannot understand it, then we have unnecessarily complicated it.
Unfortunately, people that do not have their souls purified, cannot remain in the presence of God. That is the rule. It’s not man’s rule. It is God’s rule. Can we blame God for that? Do we enjoy being around people that reject us and hate us? No. Would we surround ourselves with disobedient people that reject us for all eternity? No, we would not.
The first thing parents try to instruct their children is the difference between right and wrong. This comes primarily through verbal communication. We say “good” or we say “no” to a child in response to their actions. We may gently guide their hand as we give the verbal affirmation. If the child is out of control and rejecting instruction, we may try isolation. We may say, “you sit there” or “Go to your room and think about it.”
The gospel is shared verbally every time. That means there is a speaker and a receiver in every conversion. The Ethiopian is a good example. Act 8 tells the story of Phillip sharing the gospel.
People hear the gospel; then believe. Like the man without wedding clothes, we don’t determine how people get to heaven. The man without wedding clothes was expecting to stay in God’s presence on his terms. That’s what the Pharisees were doing. They were claiming righteousness based on being a chosen race, or righteousness obtained by following moral law. Both fall short of what God requires. God sees the heart. God requires perfection.
Scripture is clear: there is one way to God and that is by the Grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Believe in your heart that Jesus is lord and confessing with your mouth that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved. This is the only way to salvation.
Salvation is not being chosen or selected. That is not the gospel.
Salvation is believing in Jesus Christ.
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Does He Know You?
The person that never hears a clear gospel message and a person that rejects the gospel message are in the same unfortunate situation. They don’t have wedding clothes. Their sins have not been forgiven and the Holy Spirit has not come to dwell within them. Frankly, God, who is the Holy Spirit, will say, “I don’t know you. I don’t reside within you. I never have known you.”
That should be the motivation to reach the lost because faith comes by hearing. And how will they hear if people are not sent?
No one is excluded from heaven for not hearing the Good News.
No person is excluded from heaven by not being selected or chosen.
Every person that is excluded from heaven is excluded because of a personal sin (separation) condition.
Everyone that does not make it to heaven is not there due to their fallen human condition which is sin and falling short of perfection.
The problem with Calvinism is the order of when God chooses. The Calvinist Theology is to believe in two opposing things that cannot exist at the same time. Calvinism claims that:
- God is the originator and sovereign actor in every aspect of salvation (people cannot boast of making any step toward God).
- People are free to choose.
Both cannot coexist at the same time and be logical. God is logical. Therefore, we need to keep searching for a logical solution. We don’t need to drop our brains off at the front door of the church and be content to believe in two opposing concepts. There are things we are meant to understand. Salvation is one of those things we are able to understand. We need to have a child like faith.
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Analogies and Error
Some use a prison analogy and equate God like a prison warden. Humans are convicted criminals, all sentenced to die. The warden arbitrarily pardons a few which shows his kindness. We don’t know why he picked the few. Can we blame God for saving individuals that are condemned to die? Everyone deserves death. The warden is good that he pardoned some to live and just that he left others condemned to die.
Calvinists will use this prison analogy to describe the kingdom of God. It is good example of how they view the lost and how only a select few are saved, but it is a poor example of God not found in scripture.
The analogy actually shows God as being unmerciful and unfair. The warden has the ability to save all, but He doesn’t. The warden is cruel, unmerciful, and unfair. He is able to save but does not.
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Calvinism (TULIP)
Calvinists don’t like labeling their belief as Calvinism. They don’t like summarizing the theology of Calvinism. However, the beliefs of Calvinism can be summarized with the acronym TULIP:
Total Depravity - sin has so twisted us that apart from grace of God, we do no good thing with the right motivation to love and glorify God. Nothing
Unconditional Election is God’s loving choice of specific sinners for salvation without respect to any good in them. Unconditional election says that God chooses to save some people and to pass over others. He has a love for some people that He does not have for others
Limited Atonement - God love specific individuals, sending His Son to die for them specifically, perfectly atoning for their sin such that the death of Christ actually guarantees the salvation of a particular people.
Irresistible Grace - God loves you and wants you in His family, He is going to get you. He loves you so much that He will ensure that you come to faith, and He is powerful enough to guarantee your faith
Preservation of the Saints - God never stops loving His people with a saving, effectual love; consequently, all those who have genuinely believed in Him will not finally fall away from faith. There might be moments of turning, but they always come back to the faith. If they don’t, they were never saved in the first place.
Calvinism is a theology of a very harsh, unloving, rejecting god. Not the God of the Bible, but a false god of human reasoning.
I reject the analogy of God being a loving warden and people being convicted criminals worthy of eternal damnation and untold torment forever and ever. It is not in the Bible.
Salvation is found in a child-like faith. It is simple and freeing. Jesus said let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.
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Analogy of A Dying Island
A better analogy of salvation is an island of sick people all with the same deadly disease. A doctor discovers a cure that can save everyone. The problem is the cure is in the bloodstream of his son. The only way to save everyone is to take the blood of the son and give it to everyone. The son agrees to give his life so that all will live. The father can’t go and give the medicine to everyone on the island. He has servants with an endless amount of medicine. He sends them to persuade those that are all dying to take the medicine. All that hear the good news and take the medicine live. All that don’t hear or hear but refuse the medicine die.
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Analogies vs Scripture
The above analogy better depicts the love of the Father, the love of the Son, and fallen humanity. The problem with both analogies are they are made-up stories and not found in scripture. A better analogy is a king preparing a wedding banquet for his son. That is in scripture.
Another analogy is that of God being in a holy room. Surrounded by holy pure objects, vailed from human view. A God that is unapproachable except by a priest through the shedding of blood, washing, having a special robes, and following rules. That is in scripture and in history.
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The Steps Necessary for Fellowship with God
There is no tension in the simple gospel message as presented in scripture. It is logical, fair, just, loving, and merciful. Everyone in heaven is in heaven due to God’s grace. Heaven is not earned by human efforts of being good and avoiding evil. It is not dependent on what a person does except placing their faith in Jesus Christ. No one has ever boasted about saying “yes” to a gift. Saying “yes” to a gift is not works.
The simple order of salvation is:
- Foreknowledge - the gospel message starts with love. For God so loved the world. That’s everyone. God starts this with “Knowing” humanity as in loving everyone. He does not look into the future and see who chooses him and then he chooses them at the beginning of time based on future knowledge. That is circular reasoning and science fiction.
- God predestines to save people. He does not predetermine people. It is His plan from the beginning of time to have a relationship with humanity. He made a way for anyone that would believe (whosoever believes).
- People are called. Called to believe. People audibly hear the gospel message presented to them by other people.
- People accept the gift. They come to faith in the work of Jesus Christ. They believe. This is the moment of salvation.
- People are Justified at that moment. Their sins are forgiven.
- People are Sanctified throughout their lifetime.
- Eventually, people will be Glorified after their physical death.
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Is Faith a Gift?
Faith is a gift of God. But what in creation is not a gift? Everything is a gift. The very air we breathe is a gift. The ability to think, reason, and choose is a gift. Saving faith is only made possible by the work of Jesus Christ; therefore, it is a gift.
God made everything except sin. Sin is not a made. Sin is separation. Sin is anything void of God. God is sovereign in allowing human mortal beings to have the ability to choose life with the eternal living God or reject fellowship and therefore choose death.
Faith is a quality of an individual. Faith is believing in things not seen. Faith is a mindset that belongs to the individual who holds the faith. By definition, it cannot be given, it can only be possessed.
So, the “ability to have faith” is a God given gift belonging to humans. Animals cannot have faith. Animals are instinctual. Animals do not have the ability to have faith.
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Hell, Justice, and Fairness
Is it justice to torture humans being forever and ever? Forever is a long time.
Is it justice that humans, that never hear the gospel, go to hell?
Is it fair?
Does it sound right?
Let’s keep searching.
What if the traditional view of an eternal hell is incorrect? Is it possible that we were taught incorrectly about hell? Yes, it is possible! Religious leaders throughout history have over and over messed up on what God would have us do or believe. There have been all sorts of “holy” wars that have caused ridiculous loss of life in the name of God.
There are all sorts of false doctrines being taught in false religions. Why do we assume there is an eternal hell for the wicked? Hell sounds an awful lot like the Greek mythology of Hades that was taught in ancient times. All sorts of false teachings were brought into the church when Rome united with paganism at the time of Constantine. Coud hell be one of those false teachings?
Reading and searching through the entire Bible, there is overwhelming evidence that the wicked die a second death and cease to exist. Their life is extinguished. They perish. They are thrown into the lake of unquenchable fire.
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Mercy & Love & Compassion
If my dog (whom I love) gets sick and is in pain, and there is no way for her to get better, I might take her to the vet and lovingly and mercifully put her down. Am I more merciful than God?
There were 2 trees in the garden of Eden. Humans were cast out of Eden so as to not have access to the tree of life. It was merciful not to let fallen miserable beings live forever.
Moses asked to see God’s glory, and God answered him. God showed Moses His glory. God also summed it up in stating He will have mercy on who he will have mercy and He will have compassion on who he has compassion. exodus 33:19. God’s glory is showing mercy or compassion. Not arbitrarily but justly.
The biblical teaching of sinful unsaved people “perishing” solves the Calvinist’s problem of not attributing an unjust act to God:
- God is merciful, just, compassionate, and loving to offer salvation to all.
- God is merciful, just, and loving to all that refuse His son’s free gift of forgiveness. He lets them go their own way.
- God is merciful and sovereign to those that die in their sins never having heard the Good News.
Is God able to make a stone so big He can’t lift it? We’re told that this is a stupid question? But is it?
The Bible clearly tells us that God is sovereign over all things, and he does make creatures that have the ability to choose life or death. People have the ability to choose good or evil. People have the ability to reject salvation. It is God’s sovereign right to be able to create beings that have the ability to choose freely and be responsible for their final condition. He make all the rules.
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Seek Him
The good news is God loves you.
In spite of what you have done or what you think you have become, He loves you! He is not willing to leave you in a fallen condition. He wants to heal you and make you whole. He has not rejected you. He is waiting patiently for you to reach out to him for help. He desires to carry your burdens and heal your wounds. God looks down from heaven looking for those that earnestly seek him.
The good news is God is very patient and has provided a way for humans to come into his presence. Those that earnestly seek him, find Him. Those that do not seek him, do not find Him.
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Where are We Pointing Others
We play an important part in the salvation process for ourselves and for others around us. If we are Christians, we are the servants in the story and are told to go and find anyone to share and be a witness to what God has done in our lives and what happened on a cross in Jerusalem 2000 years ago.
Rather than asking what God does with people who don’t hear the message, maybe we should be thinking what will we say to God when we come before Him and he asks us, “Did you share the Good News of salvation of Jesus Christ with those around you? Did you go and tell others about the prepared banquet dinner?” Where are we point others to look?
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Share the Gift
We’re not in a position to judge God. God is in a position to judge us.
We are not to judge others as well. We certainly should hand out tickets for those that drive through red lights, and we should lock convicted criminals in jail that are a danger to society. But judging the heart is for God.
Maybe that’s what’s meant by the statement of do not judge less you be judged. We certainly need to discern if someone is professing to be a Christian in order to share the message, but we do not judge the heart. Only God can see the heart of a person. We cannot see the heart. God is the judge. God offers forgiveness. We do not offer forgiveness. We simply share what God has done. It is not our job to convict people of their sin. Conviction of sin is a work of the Holy Spirit.
We simply share the Good News of a free gift from God.
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Reaching Out
God is just, loving, merciful, and fair in all his ways. God has made a way. Our job is to be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Him. We need to share the news that there is a way to have fellowship with God.
May God have mercy on me when He asks me if I was a faithful servant and if I shared the Gospel (Good News) with any that I could find.
Or was I preoccupied with other stuff, or worse, was I preoccupied with sharing the bad news and pointing out everyone’s sin. Was I a Pharisee or a humble obedient servant?
God is reaching down to anyone who will believe. Do I make it easy for others to reach up? Or do I get in the way?
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What is essential Christian faith?
What is the simple gospel?
Do we choose life and death?
If I could go back in time.
My 1st best advice to my children – Study the words of Christ
My 2nd best advice to my children – Seek answers to your questions
My 3rd best advice to my children – Start seeing people