1. Call #1 - Seek professional help if needed. Call 988 if it is a mental health crisis situation.
2. Call #2 - Know that you are not alone. Call friends or family to help relieve burdens as much as possible.
3. Mind Game A - Offense - Destress as much as possible. Face troubles that must be faced.
4. Mind Game B - Defense - Avoid troubles that are not yours. Embrace change. Know that all things can be made new. Some things do end, but that doesn’t mean it is hopeless. It might mean change is inevitable. Let go of unnecessary worry.
5. Eyes and Ear - Evaluate and filter all mental stimulus. Only allow good input. Avoid all negative input. Listen to calming things. Allow no negative entertainment. Schedule times of refreshing.
6. Mouth - Eat right. Take care of your body. Get physical exercise. Walk. Evaluate sleep and rest patterns. Use only prescribed substances. Eliminate all numbing substance abuse.
7. Heart - Forgive all. Hold no ill feelings toward anyone.
8. Leg Work. Kick out clutter and disorder. Clean stuff up and organize things. Throw out and give away unused stuff. Bring order to surroundings.
9. Feet - Stand firm in the storm. Storms come and go. Storms are temporary. Look for peace through the storm.